

Welcome to Mini Manners, an extracurricular programme dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn and grow.

Our programme was founded in 2023 by Michelle van Vliet, who saw a need for a programme that focused on developing children’s social skills and emotional intelligence.

At Mini Manners, we believe that every child has unique talents and abilities that should be celebrated and nurtured. As experienced and passionate educators we are dedicated to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment where children can develop these skills through fun and engaging activities.

We are committed to building strong relationships with our students and their families, and we believe that open communication and collaboration are key to achieving success.

Whether your child is struggling with social skills or is just looking for a fun and educational extracurricular programme, we are here to help.

Thank you for considering Mini Manners.

We look forward to getting to know you and your child and helping them grow into confident and kind individuals.

Core Values
IntegrityWe strive to maintain the highest ethical and moral standards in everything we do. We believe in honesty, fairness, and transparency and expect our students and staff to do the same.
RespectWe treat everyone with kindness, consideration, and respect, regardless of their background or beliefs. We believe that mutual respect is essential for creating a positive and inclusive learning environment.
ResponsibilityWe are committed to taking responsibility for our actions and to understand the impact they have on others. We believe that accountability is crucial for personal and social growth.
InnovationWe embrace creativity and innovation, and we encourage our students to think critically and independently. We believe that learning is a dynamic process, and we constantly seek new and effective ways to engage our students.
CollaborationWe value teamwork and collaboration and believe that working together towards a common goal can lead to better outcomes. We encourage our students to share ideas, respect diverse perspectives, and support each other.

At Mini Manners, we believe that every child has the potential to become a responsible, compassionate, and respectful individual. Our core values reflect our commitment to fostering these qualities in our students and guiding them towards becoming positive members of society.

We hold ourselves to high standards of integrity, responsibility, and innovation.

We believe that by fostering a culture of respect and collaboration, we can empower our students to become compassionate and responsible individuals. Our core values reflect our commitment to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment where our students can grow and thrive.


Nurturing Kind Hearts & Responsible Minds