

Essential Life Skills

The Mini Manners curriculum is aimed at helping children develop essential life skills and qualities to become socially successful global citizens.

Our curriculum is designed for 3 to 6 year olds and is tailored to their developmental needs and abilities.

We deliver our curriculum in a fun and engaging manner to encourage children to learn and actively participate.

It provides a holistic approach to manners education, teaching essential life skills and qualities for social-emotional development.

Children learn to consider others’ feelings and understand the benefits of good manners and social skills.

Our program sets children up for success by providing them with the tools to become thoughtful, respectful, and responsible individuals.


Big Subjects for Little People

Our curriculum covers a range of subjects, including:
Hygiene and Healthy Habits
Tech Etiquette and Screen Time
Kindness, Respect, and Caring for Others
Emotions and Feelings
Listening and Communication Skills
Personal Space and Safety
Looking After My Planet
Early Years Character Development

Importance of Early Social Skills Development

Early social skills development is essential for children to become successful and well-adjusted adults.

As children grow and interact with the world around them, they need to learn how to communicate effectively, empathise with others, and work collaboratively.

Without these skills, children may struggle to form healthy relationships, experience difficulties in academic and professional settings, and have a harder time managing emotions and behaviours.

By teaching children manners and good social skills at a young age, the Mini Manners programme helps lay the foundation for a lifetime of social-emotional success.

Children who learn how to communicate, empathise, and work with others are more likely to succeed academically, professionally, and personally.


Nurturing Kind Hearts and Responsible Minds